Saturday, January 14, 2006

Hibs and Keegan

Originally sent on 31st october, devastated after the defeat to Hibs, Hearts first league defeat of the season. Managerless the cracks are opening all over the place. Rumours abound including the new manager will be Kevin Keegan.

It's a disaster, not any of it other than ..... that wee pr*ck Keegan, the terraces will empty quicker than ? bloody hell i don't know just really quickly.

You beat me to it this week - the Leafs game sounds like a hounding, how the hell do we let ourselves fall into these traps.

What is the name of that thing, you know it starts with lightning pace, it's exhilirating an unstoppable ride, quickening pace with every turn and every loop. You realise tho that it is not like the others, the others are all screaming speed so fast you have no idea where you are you just tear through the atmosphere at a million miles an hour. No, you realise this one is different, different because it, like the old stand at Tynecastle is made of 130 year old weather beaten wood, ready to splinter into a billion shards of petrified timber. The Wild Beast thats what it is called, and that is what i am on and i want off before this bloody season de-rails and i am sent spinning to sporting oblivion.
Shit this is shit.

For sure we can come back from this - we are better than Hibs, at the moment Celtic are looking a pretty good bet but in truth they are not so great. It is all down to the manager we end up with - Keegan would be a bloody disaster, i don't know how much you have kept apace with his managerial career but he is famous for three things
1) The manager who threw away a 15 point lead with 10 games to go ( Newcastle )
2) The manager who walked away from the England job claiming "I am not good enough for this"
3) Just being crap.

I won't go into the gory details, we made an arse of ourselves on many counts on Saturday
Chairman and ex politician George Foulkes was reported to have said last Friday "The league is now a 2 horse race" With this he wrote off Rangers ( fair enough ) but he also wrote of Hibs who if they were to beat us would be a mear 4 points behind us. Just plain stupid thing to say in my book.
Jankauskas, centre forward ex Porto player was reported to have belittled the white hot atmosphere of an Edinburgh Derby by claiming that it was the friendly Derby and nothing like as crazy as a Porto v Benfica game. He said "when Porto play Benfica, it is not so friendly, on the terraces you can see the people fighting, you can see the blood flowing and you can see the cars burning" This was the self same Jankauskus who lost the plot in the mellee at Easter Road and got himself sent off the f'n plaamph.
Apparently we just didn't turn up!
As far as i am concerned, all bets are off and this is day one, the season starts here and now and thats how we have to view it. Dundee Utd next Saturday, we take them and we give them a hiding and then we get on with it and the next time Hibs come calling we kick their skinny green arses. Right course i am right.

Been taking the boys to the skate board park lately Jason went flying yesterday flipped horizontal 4 feet up and then crashed into the unforgiving concrete - i am still hurting more than him tho.

Hope all in the non sporting world is well.

Do not cancel those flight plans just yet, there will be a title decider at Tynecastle against Celtic next May ( well maybe ) and there is a seat in the Gorgie stand with your name on it.


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