Sunday, July 02, 2006

They're going home !!

At extreme personal risk of coming over as a small minded, Scottish zenophobe, with a massive shoulder chip - an pathetic sassenach hater

England versus portugal

How funny was that then!

Once again England save us from years of media torment by managing to scrape their way to a penalty shoot out only to throw it all away along with their bottles. Thank all the sporting gods for continuing to save us from the agony of a victorious English press and telly.

In my defence i took a lot of interest in last years ashes and was supporting England all the way on that one, and i seem to remember being pretty happy for them when they won the Rugby World couple of years back. Just couldn't handle a world cup win for them tho.

Stuart Cosgrove nailed it a couple of weeks back when he cast up to some English journalist the fact that he had been decrying the german team as being arrogant - Stuart investigated a little and came back with the statistic that, over the years Germany had taken part in the final of 9 major football competitions ( world cups and Euro championships ) England on the other hand had taken part in exactly 1. At least the Germans are justified in their expectations that they could go all the way - England however "Who the hell are you trying to kid"

Just blame Sven, he managed to make the worst team you could imagine out of all that talent.


I watched the game in the Haymarket Bar, when C Rinaldo clipped his penalty into the top corner to put Portugal through - you could have sworn that Scotland had just won the cup.

1 comment:

Duncan said...

I still can't believe Ronaldo is being given a hard time by the media down south. Don't they know that they were rubbish and Rooney is a thug? We have the last laugh.

I missed most of the game as was stuck in a car on the way back from Elie but thankfully was home in time for penalties. Great result.