Monday, October 16, 2006

Never in a month of Sundays

Or is that once in a blue moon.
Some guy told me once what a blue moon was, i don't know if this is true or not but here is his definition of the mythical blue moon of "Once in a Blue moon" coinage.

The blue moon is the second full moon in one calendar month. So 13 full moons per year and 12 calendar months = at least one blue moon per year.

It is less often than that, much more infrequent than that when Scotland or Currie Star for that matter, can sustain a possitive aspect for more than a game or two on the trot.

And so it was, after the fantastic exploits of last weekend, this week has brought both Scotland and Currie star crashing back down to earth.

Scotland take a painful 2 - 0 defeat away to Ukraine on Wednesday night and Currie Star take another horrific spanking 10 - 3 this time.
As usual for the lads it was the second half where it all went wrong, i had to leave at half time with the scoreline at 3 - 2, to make my way down to Leith for the derby match ( via the pub for an hour or so ) so i missed the worst of it.

Keep the head up lads it will come together soon.

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