Tuesday, December 26, 2006


A short one here which will need to suffice as a little summation of the last week at Tynecastle and also a pre-match build up for the big one against the stinky Hibees at Tynecastle today.

Craig Gordon went through his disciplinary hearing this week with Vlad's henchman - Egor, i mean Pedro Lopez.
Now there was a lot made of the fact that he was dropped to the bench for the game against Dundee Utd.
My only take on that was that it was par for the course, the other two also dropped for the game immediately following their hearing.
So why the fuss this time? Anyway, who cares i am tired of all this.

Hearts also, and finally decided to pay up for Beslija this week! - that, for the most part long forgotten, embarrassment to our club has been cleared up -

This may be UEFA finally forcing Vlad into paying up, by threatening to restrict him during the transfer window in January. If so then great maybe he is intending to be active, after last January's madness hopefully he will have learned his lesson and just bring in 2 or 3 players that will enhance the team?

This may also be, deals already cut behind closed doors for Hartley and or Gordon have allowed Vlad to start clearing some of his debt, because he doesn't really have much money at all and has had to keep as tight a grip on the purse strings as he could.

Ofcourse this could also be Hearts about to offload Beslija in January, so we really should pay for what we are about to sell.

Which one is closest to the truth, you decide. Either way round it went on for far to long for anything other than embarrassment for your run of the mill Jambo.

The game against Dundee Utd was a victory of the functional variety at best, but from the team that are made out to be the most dysfunctional around, i am pleased to announce ...

Get it right up ye!!!

It was actually a pretty good game, Dundee Utd under Craig Levein are a totally different proposition than they have been for eons now. They are much much harder to beat and from that have become a team that has the confidence to attack without fearing that everytime they cross the half way line, the opposition will get angry with them and score (twice).
Both teams had good chances to score and maybe a draw would have been a the fairest outcome, but Hearts were marginally the more accomplished team when in possession of the ball. So a penalty for hand ball which Hartley dispatched ( is this his first goal of the season? he can make up for his slow start with a hatrick today!!) was the difference between the teams. It came when Hearts were well on top, they continued in that vein for another ten minutes or so and perhaps Hearts could have sealed the victory. But as Hearts are still frail and lacking in confidence themselves they allowed Dundee Utd to press them hard in the last 15 minutes, so in the end it was very much a 'held on well for the three vital points' type of victory. Pretty sure though that 3 or 4 weeks ago we would have lost this one.
Gordon was dropped to the bench, and Stevie Banks came in and performed well, he is a pretty decent keeper in his own right so the fuss made around the Gordon debacle was always over the top reactionary nonsense. Mind you i don't think i would be saying that if Banks had done a 'Henry, Henry, drop the ball' and cost us the game.

So to this afternoons festive fair, Hibs at Tynecastle, fantastic! You just can't beat it, boxing day and a whacking great game of football against your nearest and dearest. I am nervous as right now with a couple of hours to go before the kick off, it is not going to let up until we crush the life out of the game with a quick 3 goals in the first 20 minutes today.
Back down to earth.
Hibs as is all too frequently reported are a pretty good football team, generally revered as the most attractive playing side in Scotland at the moment. Their style is fast, one touch flowing football when in possession and a hard fought pressing game when not. This is not about them though this is about Hearts and i mean that about the game, it is more about Hearts than it is about Hibs, they will come and play their game, and if they do and they get a break or two they will be a tall order to beat. But, if Hearts play the right team so that we can compete in midfield and we play a decent game and get a break or two ourselves, this could turn out to be a stonking good Christmas present from us to ourselves. so


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