Monday, May 14, 2007


It is like a little haven of greenery in the middle of Carricknowe, i had no idea it existed but if you can navigate your way to the Primary school deep in the centre of the estate you will come across an opening of playing fields surrounded by a border of mature trees.
Very pleasant surroundings for Sunday mornings encounter between Currie Star and Carricknowe.

Currie have been progressing well of late so the lads and the travelling band of die-hard support were justifiably confident on arrival.
With the game just minutes old and Currie 1 - 0 up confidence was ever higher. The game took a turn, it took a few turns actually and one of them was dark and brooding. Innevitable really, we are talking about boys here ( mostly anyroads ), sooner or later adrenalin pumps to the fore and games can take on an edgy quality, this game became very edgy indeed.
All relative i guess, up until now i can't recall a single incident in any previous game that had even the slightest malice. This one though had and edge.
This is Scotland and we love that sort of thing but i think i could be doing with seeing the lads turn into teenagers before they turn on each other!
I will not point any fingers, whoever started it got as much back as they dished out so all's fair in war and fitba.

All in all it was a fairly evenly matched game with both teams nip and tuck and defences struggling to cope with the end to end barrages, the score quickly raced to something like 4 - 3 to Carricknowe. Currie were perhaps guilty of some defensive lapses that seemed to have been sorted out in previous weeks, this though was countered with an enthusiasm to attack at any opportunity.

Unfortunately for Currie during that middle period Caricknowe managed to get 3 without reply and from then on Currie struggled to keep a hold of the game. A final score of 8 - 5 to Carricknowe just about deserved. The most memorable aspect of this one however will be that unmistakeable acid aroma of the edge.

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