Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Aberdeen are rubbish

Originally sent on 21st August


What on earth is going on here!There is an air of unreality about all this stuff.
Another weekend and another saturday down at tynecastle, this time it was me and Nathan and Aberdeen to take the sword.
I wish you could see this, Tynecastle has just never been like this before. The weather has been brilliant, the stadium is full to bursting capacity and we keep beating everyone, christ naebody can even score against us. We lost two goals on the opening day away to Kilmarnock and have never looked like losing a goal since. The place is absolutely jumping.
In all the painfull years of watching Hearts, two seasons stand out over and above the rest.
The haunting 85 - 86 season for it's train wreck of a conclusion but also because, we were the best team by a mile.
Then there was 97 - 98 season ( the last time i had a season ticket spookily enough ), we all remember as the year we finally got our hands on that cup we are supposed to win every decade or something like that. But we should also remember that we did flirt with the title that year also. We were nip and tuck with Celtic and Rangers until just 4 or 5 games out when a draw at home to Motherwell signalled the end of our title aspirations and allowed us to concentrate on the cup final a few weeks down the line. We finished a fair way back in third but much much closer than anyone has been since.
In both those years we played well above ourselves, fought and scrapped and punched two weights above and got caught up in the momentum, the famous Jambos Juggernaught. Both ultimately ran out of steam and such were the efforts in vain, it took a good 3 or 4 seasons to recover from the burn out.
It is ofcourse far far far too early to even dare to dream, but i have to say there is something fundementally different this time round. This Hearts team is just much better than the rest of the durge. Save the auld firm ofcourse, we play Rangers at Tynecastle on the last weekend in September - the first of the acid tests! So all the old stuff about momentum and grit , determination etc etc etc is still needed but is not the only ingredient we have in the pot. I am ranting away here and could be seen to be very silly in as little as a few weeks. Get this tho, looking at the fixtures it is not at all unrealistic for Rangers to come to Tynecastle, at the end of September, in 2nd place and 5 ( or even 7 ) points behind a Hearts team who have a 100% league record. And if we beat them......................... the drums will really start to beat.

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