Saturday, January 14, 2006


Originally sent on 8th November, after a good display against Dundee Utd and more importantly more, much more disruption behind the scenes.

Where to begin, Novels could have been written ( probably will be ) about the goings on down Tynecastle way since we last communicated. Has it only been a week.
Lets start with the football, isn't that what it is all about?
Dundee Utd at Tynecastle an Saturday and the spark was definitely back, we were brilliant, especially in the first half. Can't really tell how much of this walk over was down to Utd being pitifull but in any case 3 - 0 going on 8. Hearts played some really good stuff, looked solid had all the hunger you could wish for and seemed to have settled since the departure of Burley a fortnight earlier and the disaster down scumbag land. The crowd were well up for it too, i guess the first goal within 5 minutes helped so all in all it was a great day.
One funny worth a mention - Andy Walker wee shite, ex Celtic winger. Made the mistake earlier in the season of writing Hearts off as a bubble waiting to burst. 2nd mistake he made was to turn up at Tynecastle in the press box on Saturday - The game was won and the Tynecastle faithfull spent every minute of the last 30, all 17,000 bellowing.......... Andy Walker yer a w*nker yer a w*nker. The crowd would time it for when Hearts had a free kick on the edge of the box or a corner so it couldn't be avoided from the telly coverage of highlights. Fantastic, i thought it was hillarious.

So to other matters, you have probably heard !!
Phil Anderton, chief executive was sacked the Monday after the Hibs game!
Chairman George Foulkes was not even given the privilage of resigning and was voted off the board minutes later as he disagreed with the Anderton sacking.
Vladimir's son Roman Romanov took over as both chairman and chief executive in the interim whilst some other lambs to the slaughter are hoodwinked in to a temporary visit to the devine comedy that is Heart of Midlothian football club.
The club has ofcourse been once again thrown into dissarray and is fast becoming a laughing stock.
During last week the search for a new manager or chief coach or whatever we call him has gone on with some really big names being named and some hasbeens throwing their hats in and it all just sounded like a disaster. One thing is for sure, the Romanov's have no clue whatsoever about scottish media and how to deal with it.

A wee digression that will come back to Hearts.......
Bon fire night after the Dundee Utd game, we went down to Portobello beach met up with a few people we know and had a cracking time down there. Nothing organised but there is a big community thing goes on down there. People just turn up on the beach, get a bonfire going, have a few beers and have their own little fireworks display. The guy i was there with had gone to town on the fireworks purchase and bought some absolute crackers. So we had the bonfire the beer and the fireworks and everyone is having a great time then............
right behind us on the promenade, running battles, young guns kicking the living daylights out of each other, think it must have been Joppa young team versus Niddrie violence or something like that. No sooner had the polis tidied that up when..................
The next display along from us started their fireworks. You get these newfangled things these days which is like a big box maybe the size of a crate of beer. It has maybe 30 odd fireworks in it. So what you do is you light the fuse and they all go off in a co-ordinated display, brilliant. These beasties you are meant to bury up to about 3/4 of the way up the box. The one next to us was not buried!
The side blew off the box and the rockets started coming out directly at us !! One landed at a blokes feet and exploded. One guy i was with had brought a (very) new girlfriend. He is obviously super keen cause he immediately threw himself on top of her in chivilrous protection. Shocked she screamed and started punching him - hilarious. Rockets landed under cars and people and all sorts, there was mayhem.
Must go back next year.
So before all that i was talking to a bloke who had been at the game that day and more importantly had been in Diggers beforehand.
In Diggers before the game was Phil Anderton the recently sacked chief executive, he was telling anyone who would listen exactly what has been going on and here it is.................
Burley was sacked for 2 reasons
1) By 3 each day he was on the sauce, bottle of whisky in the top drawer kind of thing.
2) He refused to explain to Romanov why the right hand side of the team was not performing as well as the left. There are 2 Lithuanians who play right midfield and neither was getting a game and it is true that the right hand side is not as good as the left. Burley was right to drop both tho, they had very bad starts to the season and neither looked good enough - maybe that is all he had to say, i dunno.
One of them Mikoliunas played on saturday and he was back to his best, so maybe Romanov had a point.
Anderton was sacked for 2 reasons
1) He refused to sign a written statement to the effect that Burley was sacked because he was drinking on the job.
2) He overspent his budget. Anderton confessed that he knew it was coming and had been looking for another gig.
Anderton also stated that the Romanov's are serious, will invest cash in January when the transfer window opens and will definitely go for the league and a big euro campaign etc etc etc In 5 years Hearts will be a much bigger club 25,000 seater stadium filled every week blah blah blah.

And so to the biggest joke of the whole lot although i have to say i am not laughing at all.
The new coach although what he is responsible for we can't quite work out is Graham Rix, ex Arsenal centre half.
He apparently coached quite successfully under Claudio Ranieri at Chelsea for a while but his managerial experience is very limited and poor to say the least. Out of all the names mentioned for this post it is ironic that we end up with someone with less of a pedigree than John Robertson who Romanov sacked to start this whole fair ride. More tho the man has been in jail for sex offences, underage shennanigans not the really nasty stuff if there is such a distinction. Just straightforward getting it on with his mates 15 year old daughter. Sure there can be a lot of stuff going on at that age but for christ sake he was in his 40s at the time the f'n idiot. In my state of father of 14 year old daughter i have a zero tolerance approach to such matters. Enough of that tho he has done his time and we are supposed wipe the slate and judge him on results etc etc etc But can you imagine the abuse he is going to get, i give him until the first visit to Easter Road, Ibrox or Parkhead or the first time someone plays 'lock up your daughters' as the teams come out. If things don't go well i can see the Hearts support turning savagely on him as well, they are already totally pissed of with this. A director of football will also be signed within a couple of weeks, there is a lot of pressure for this one to be a good solid forward looking and high profile appointment. We will see, what money on Sporting Director G Glitter and Jonathon King for Chief Executive.

good grief

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