Tuesday, August 01, 2006

new born season

I have been mulling over whether to pick this up again and blog this new born season we have, just like i did the last one.
I guess the fact that i am here writing this means that i will blog this new born season we have, just like i did the last one.

I will start tho with a joke

If a midget, psychic escaped from Saughton Prison what would the headline in the Evening News be....................


Actually i am not sure if the bods at the Evening News are on the ball enough to come up with that one.

So we are two competative games in -
HMFC v Siroki Brijeg
Dunfermline v HMFC

and we are two wins in. All would seem well down Gorgie way?

The exitement of this time last year is distinctly lacking tho which is weird since we now have a storming chance of actually making it into the Champions league proper. We take a 3 - 0 lead over to Bosnia for the return leg against Siroki Brijeg and with the best will in the world they were a bit gash really.
Then we face AEK Athens, they are probably favourites to take us but it could definitely have been worse, like Arsenal or AC Milan or a host of other teams that would have done us for sure.
If we get through that we are in the Champions League !

This time last year we were brimming, we were overflowing with possibilities, what we could do, what we might do and how fantistic it would be if we even flirted with a challenge. It all felt like virgin territory, like a field of snow without a single footprint.
This time round is different, we know our limitations, we know how far we can go and what we can do and we know how great it is going to be to challenge for the league title. We do still have the possibility of some wonderful Champions League nights at Murrayfield and we can all still 'believe' once again in that ( proper grown up football as it was coined by a bloke in the work as we discussed the pro's and cons of a decent run in the EUFA cup against getting horsed in the Champions League ).
I think i needed to see a player or two of quality coming in tho ( and maybe a good few going out as well ) but it has not happened, Vlad seems to have finally calmed down and employed some balance to his wheelings and dealings with our team. Maybe thats no bad thing.
I wanted a midfielder of real quality to play alongside Hartley, they would compliment each other perfectly and turn Hearts into an awesome, driven force that no one in Scotland could live with. I wanted a proper replacement for Andy Webster, it is not Tall and it is not Goncalves ( he has a mean time between injury of about 20 minutes )
Christ, i am depressing am i not, new seasons are supposed to be about optimism and hope and renewed faith. I would stop reading if i were you or you might end up tuning into the rugby league or some other stupid game.
If i am perfectly honest all i need to do is wait for a couple of days, thats all just a day or two and i will be off again, we play Celtic on Sunday at what will be a brimming, pitch perfect, noisy and storming opening game at Tynecastle. They are quite a different proposition this year having transitioned last year from the big bullying team of Martin O'neill era into the small light and fast Strachan clones they are trying to be now. Hearts on the other hand are the same team as last year, without Skacel who left for Southampton at the weekend - the fool. In the end i think Hearts made 1/2 million out of the deal with Skacel so i guess it can go down as 'not a bad piece of business. Maybe we should now pay the money we owe for that imposter Beslija - maybe not, maybe it's his brother thats the football player, who was that bloke - Husref Musemic, still he did score against the Hibees.
We have no Hartley or Jankauskas, so i don't think we will be 100% and we will have just come back from Bosnia ( mind you Celtic are coming back from some friendlies in Japan, the eejits. Did no one tell them that the friendlies end when the nasties begin ).
Not much to talk about with the Dunfermline game, The Siroki Brijeg game was pretty dire, especially in the first half, although we won 3 - 0 and it all seemed like a thoroughly professional euro game. The one thing i have noted from the two games was - Aguair taking the free kicks in and around the box hit the bar twice on the trot, mmmmm has the lad got a bit of a talent here, the free kick against Siroki was a peach with the keeper routed to the spot. Obviously he is only taking them because Hartley is not there but, good to know he can clip a ball over a wall too.

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