Sunday, August 20, 2006

P = M x V

We have none.

In the real world

P = Momentum
M = Mass
V = Velocity

I suppose in football land the M can stand for movement and it seems to = zero so our momentum is a big fat zero too and thats about it. We don't have much velocity either but thats irrelevant when the movement is zero.

Tiny little entry this week as i was not at the game and didn't even listen to the commentary on the radio. I was, at the time, up the High Street for my annual wander through the festival chaos.
Got roped into a street performers act and held one end of his apparatus as he high wire juggled some knives and a rubber chicken. These guys allways say just as they are about to commence their final biggest/best/most dangerous trick - "This is my only living, this is all i do, i travel the world performing my acts and keeping alive the great tradition of street performing, so please give me some of your money" I wonder, maybe they have a 9 - 5 like the rest of us and just do this during their fortnight off instead of going to the beach in Greece.
Still, pound for pound when there is 5 of you there, a few pounds for a half hour show that can sometimes be entertaining is about as good value as you can get these days. So all power to the street entertainers.

So to Ibrox. This result ( 2 - 0 to the bad guys ) is simply the manifestation of Heart's basic mediocrity right now. I am really pretty frustrated with the whole lot and could crack on for ages about how rigid our 4-4-2 is ( we played 4-3-3 yesterday ? ). I am not going to tho.
Formations are one thing but underneath it all it is about players and we are coming up wanting with the ones that are trapesing out onto the pitch this year. This is the same set of players that stormed and thundered through most of last season so whats the difference, i don't know. I know one thing tho, it would be foolish to think that we are close to last seasons performances and all we need is a player or two back and it will all start to happen again - we are not close, we are miles away. This looks like a typical Hearts season - stumble along maybe into third place if we keep it together long enough but never flirting with a challenge for the title. Take our rightful place well back in third behind the two ugly giants from the wild west.
Rangers have started the season playing some ( new for them for a while ) pretty decent football without capitalising. They do look as tho with a bit of P = M x V behind them, they could rip loose and give some teams a real tanking. I am hoping that that tanking comes first against Celtic in the first old firm game. This for no other reason than i am just totally bored and fed up with Celtic, can't stand Strachan blah blah blah. Normally i don't care who wins that one. We did not take a tanking yesterday but if we don't improve we will take it the next time we travel to Glasgow.
So whats to be done -
We do need to get Hartley back fully fit and Chesnauskis back won't do any harm either but we need more than just those two.
We seem to be persevering with the same first team that are just not cutting it just now and they don't look as tho they have the hunger to change the situation. We seem to be continuing to bring players in and not play them. The standard excuse being "This player is not fully fit for the Scottish game" and then you never hear of him again. Are they just crap? Why bring them here? We need to start giving some of these guys a chance - at the very least it may put a rocket under some of the regulars who are under achieving just now.
You know, there is no point having 60 players in a first team squad if 49 of them aren't any good.
We need to get our desire back and we need to accept again that to win games we need to out think and outplay and outfight the oppossition. By all accounts Jankauskas wasn't interested yesterday - so play Makela or the new guy Mauricio Panilla or whatever his name is.

Still Athens on Wednesday and a real big ask, maybe we had half an eye on that game ( don't believe that really ). This is not impossible and could have a massive impact on our season.
Either way -

Hooooo on the Jambo's


Duncan said...

Funny but I saw the chicken & knives guy today. I know exactly what you mean.

Our real problems lie in the fact that we have no midfield and our strikers still can't score. Oh for a team that included Webster, Goncalves, Tall, Skacel, Hartley, Cesnauskis and a couple of 20 goals a season strikers.

I wan't to be optimistic about Wed but I think we are going to get a tanking again. Valdas is gone by the end of the week if we lose I reckon. Who needs stability if it brings losses.

blakdreem said...

Pretty poor all round as far as i can see.
Strikers is next on the list of things to complain about but i can't until the service into the box has improved. The quality of ball into the box has all but dissappeared - we need to give Beslija a chance in this team. Miko is always better coming on for the last half hour anyroads so we should be giving him the first hour of each game for the next few weeks.
And yes Ivanauskis will not last much longer at this rate.