Thursday, September 07, 2006

Here we go again

Cracking result for Scotland in Lithuania last night, winning 2 - 1.
It wasn't quite Hearts defence against Hearts attack but there was a fair compliment of Jambos on both sides.
From the second half radio coverage ( which was all i manged) it sounded like Scotland just shaded it and deserved the victory and quite right as well.
It did get very nerve wracking in the last few minutes tho.
Radio Scotland punditry? Have we no memory? Don't you think we have been here before? and whatever happened to the old adage that 'history repeats itself'. Look, France will come to Hampden next month and with the best will in the world, Scotland will in all likelyhood chase shadows all night and get beat 2 - 0.
From last nights post match cud chewing on radio Scotland, you could have sworn that we are about to sweep the world cup finalists aside and march on to glorious qualification for the Euro Championships and on to ultimate world domination.

Still Go On the Scotland

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