Sunday, September 03, 2006

World Beaters

Here we go....
Scotland romp 6 past the Faroe isles, there is no stopping us now.
So what that there were more people inside Parkhead than there are inhabitants of the Faroes, and they are not much more than a pub team, you can only beat what is in front of you as they say.
Meanwhile Lithuania get a draw away to Italy ( i would say very impressive but Italy have a habit of starting everything slowly and pick up as they go along ), we play them on Wednesday night.
There may be some kind of record being set here with a number of players on both international sides all playing for the same club side - mighty mighty Jambos ofcourse.
I think it is possible that we could have 6 Jambos on the park at the same time, 3 on each side

Hoo on the Scotland


Anonymous said...

But how many Hearts players if you were to add Janny, Barasa, the 2 new boys and Elliot, Wallace, McCann and even Webster?

Anonymous said...

p.s. I like the "cloud"

blakdreem said...

It is a weird situation alright, and but for a couple of injuries / players/not getting a game we could have had, like you say 8 or even ten.

I haven't investigated deeply but, i think Hearts must be the single biggest contributors to the national side for the best part of the last decade or so. I was starting to get quite pleased with that just now until i remembered that this period is about as poor as our national side has ever been.