Sunday, January 21, 2007

I have played like that for years

This morning, early this cold damp morning at an almost waterlogged Kingsknowe the featured event was the return of under tens football for Currie Star.
First drama cascaded off the pitch as my boy, resplendent in his brand new Toto 90's had moments earlier scrambled out the car and run the 200 yards to the pitch. We sat in the car eeking out the last of the warmth for a while and watched guiltily as other mummys and dummys helped to put up the goals. Within a couple of moments he was back at the car, as he opened the door, he exclaimed "They have given me two left feet !?!"
If i had time to think about it i would have retorted "i have played with two left feet my whole life, ching ching!"
Sure enough two left footed Toto 90's and i recall the purchase the day before, we arrived at JJB Sports, Hermiston gate at 5:58 - 2 minutes before it shut, earliest i could get there after the Falkirk game. One pair of size 4, shiny silver and maroon Toto 90's in the sale 1 tenner. Jobs a good un!

We raced back to the house and for once in a month of Sundays, his brothers old boots size 41/2 were right at the front of the black hole of Calcutta - i mean the shoe cupboard. Got back up to Kingsknowe just as the game was kicking off, no subs so straight into the action.

First game since early December so it was understandable that things were a bit rusty and they were for the first 5 minutes or so. The game was against the old enemy and frequent adversaries Currie Boys ( and girls in this case ). Both sides took time to settle into a game but it was Currie Star who eventually settled first and imposed themselves on the game, resulting in the first goal, a fine strike from 15 yards out.
From that point on though it was a struggle for Currie Star, many references to too many christmas pies and too many left feet out there. Currie Boys equalised just before the half time and took a 2 - 1 lead shortly after half time. They kept that lead to the end. Currie Star were never out of it but equally Currie boys had chances to extend their lead.
Looked like the boys are needing to get back onto the training ground to bring back the improvements that were made before the break and i am sure they will.

Went back to JJB sports earlier this afternoon and those f***ers refused to give me a refund on the boots. Because they have been worn apparently, aye for all of two minutes!
Got to say i lost the plot a bit in there, apparently the young assistant manager was shaking with fear according to my daughter. My reaction to their refusal to refund was immediate, started as "Don't be bloody ridiculous you sold me two left feet!!" and just kind of degenerated from there.
The manager of the shop, who was not on duty ofcourse is due to call me tomorrow to sort it out.. i await her call.

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