Sunday, January 28, 2007

Tougher than watching Hearts

There are times when i watch Currie Star under tens when i get really worked up and frustrated - illogically affected by the events on the park. Today was one of those days, i swear there are times when it is worse than watching Hearts.
I can see this as pathologically insane given that my youngest is never up nor down with whatever result they get - he even appreciates the humour in taking a good tanking.
Obviously a far more balanced and emotionally mature individual than his auld man!

Don't get me wrong i am not one of those, parents who are so partisan that they can't see past there own kid and their kids team. I can appreciate the opposition, i can even applaud their play when i think it merits praise. Neither am i one of those infurating eejits who can only bark criticism at their poor offspring, like it is some kind of vindication that they once were pretty good at the game themselves and now can't understand how any child of theirs could be so terrible.

Currie Star played Beechwood today, but save for ten minutes or so either side of the half they were never really in the game. Beechwood moved into a 3 - 0 lead too easily within 20 minutes of the start. Currie Star just didn't seem to be concentrating.
Thankfully they switched on for a bit before the half time whistle and pulled a goal back, a fine run down the right and the ball squared into the centre for a classic strikers goal. For a while at least the lads looked as though they could get back into the game. Another lapse in concentration however allowed Beechwood in again and the game was pretty much lost from then on.
Star managed to get 3 goals to their credit but lost a further 3 to go down 7 - 3 in the end.

A tough defeat to take today, 7 - 3 did not flatter Beechwood but really 3 or 4 of their goals should never have happened.
Keep the heads up lads, training should start again soon so you should be able to get back to winning ways in a few weeks.

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