Monday, March 12, 2007

At the dentist

Hearts made great strides forward this weekend in securing their route into European football next season.
The InterTattie cup it is then.

Results went against Hearts with a defeat to Aberdeen, our likely rivals for 3rd and the Eufa cup spot for real. Rangers pulled of a great win ( for them ) defeating the other half of the ugly sisterhood at Parkhead.
All roads to Europe that Hearts have attempted to navigate this year have had diversion signs put up, firmly blocking our path to some sort of measure of success for this season. Last time it was Dunfermline in the Scottish cup ( a result which caused the first mention of the embarrassing InterToto from Tynecastle ( mind you do i think Newcastle care about that right now, nope i don't! )) . Now it is Aberdeen firmly slamming the door in our faces with a vital win for them.
This leaves Hearts 3 points behind Aberdeen ( they have a game in hand against Motherwell at Fir Park on Tuesday ) and 7 now behind Rangers ( they also have a game in hand ).

So most likely outcome for the end of the season now is -
Rangers keep 2nd and champions league qualification is theirs
Aberdeen keep 3rd and take the Eufa cup spot from their league position
Unfortunate for them but i suspect Hibs get beat in the cup final to Celtic and get their Eufa cup spot because Celtic have obviously won the league ( although by then it may have been so long that they might have forgotten all about it ).

Plenty of time to catch Aberdeen actually so should not be too disheartened but just now it seems like.
Last year was like being at the fair, going for a ride on the fastest, scariest roller coaster without being strapped in, and your naked!
This year is like being at the dentist, going for root canal work by Steve Martin and he took the drugs, and your naked!

Hearts turned up with Philibaitis ( isn't that some kind of skin complaint ) and Iveskivicius in the makeshift midfield - neither of these guys look up to the job. They appear to be part of the vast array of mediocrity that sits just under the surface of the Hearts squad and serves only to inflate the squad numbers. Here is a question though, we do have injuries this is true but these guys have surfaced along with Korobochka's reign in the boiling hot seat that is head coach at Tynecastle.
I think this is an indication that Vlad does not control the team selection as much as some of us think he does - these guys are Korobochka's choice not Vlads or Valdas's either way round they are the wrong choice.
Actually Hearts didn't really turn up at all.
Aberdeen got of to a good start with a well struck goal early in the game and seemed comfortable from that point on. Not that they really looked as though they had any more goals themselves but it was all too easy for them.
Notable however was Larry Kingston, he came to Tynecastle with a reputation for two things - He was a decent player and he had a reputation. A reputation for poor discipline, he has received a couple of six match bans in his time for losing the plot. From the minute Hearts went behind it seemed that every tackle he made was a foul, it was innevitable that he would get booked. With 20-20 hindsight you would say he should have been hooked after his booking but such is the dearth of playmaking capability in the Hearts team just now i guess we couldn't afford to take him off. Whatever he carried on just as before with his 1 to 1 ratio of tackle to foul and was sent off after the hour. Not to be curtailed by trivial matters like being red carded Larry went for the double red by accusing the referee of being a racist!
So in my excitement surrounding Larry, last week i stated the only problem i could see with Larry at tynecastle was if he got fed up with all the nonsense surrounding the place. Completely forgot about the fact that he might just be a head case.
We have had our problems bringing players into Tynecastle for the last 2 transfer windows, i have suspected that it has had a lot to do with how stressful and precarious it must look from the outside world to come to Hearts. Thats why we end up with so many Lithuanians on loan these guys are the fall back for failed attempts to bring in the guys we want. Or is there a policy that you have to be a certified nutter with paranoid tendancies before you get a gig with us.

It became apparent this week also that Valdas has not been sent to the salt mines afterall, he has in fact been so fantastic at his job as head scape goat that he has been promoted to Director of Football Bureaucracy in the Romanov Politburo. This all makes perfect sense? it is like watching some nineteenth century, moustache twirling illusionist at his mercurial best. It's all just smoke and mirrors folks.


Anonymous said...

You need to double on the Prozac - you seem to have become punch drunk with circus Tynecastle. In last weeks post you let wind-up-merchants from Easter Road goad you into slagging off the good guys. This weeks post you've already given up on Europe - Aberdeen are not a good side, their next 3 games are all away including Rangers and Kilmarnock. After the April Fools games we'll see how the table looks!

I had to laugh, Larry the Lamb calls the ref a racist and it transpires the refs wife is black - only at Tyncastle.

blakdreem said...

Never fear mate, the repeat prescription is in the post.

hoo on the Killie !!