Monday, March 12, 2007

Fine fair

Blustery and rainy start to Currie Star's latest outing at Kingsknowe this week, it felt like winter folks!
Warmed up nicely and quickly though as the game burst into action from the off. The game then succeeded in serving up highly enjoyable fair to the faithfull dozen or so souls who braved the weather.
Currie Star started positively using the wind at their backs to full advantage, hemming East Craigs into their own half for much of the opening period.
The goal for Currie was on the cards and came after 15 minutes, a welcome goal indeed but it could have been 3 or 4 at that point and i was worried. We needed to be 2 up at half time to stand a chance given the strength of the wind in our favour.
East Craigs found a gear and some space though and started to cause a few problems for the Star defence. They turned their efforts into 2 goals in quick succession to go into the break with a 2 - 1 advantage.
With the wind at their backs and confidence in their sails East Craigs kicked on quickly in the second half and forced their way into a 4 - 1 lead within 5 minutes of the restart. A real shame for the Currie Star lads as they had played well in a keenly contested and evenly fought match.
To their credit Currie Star did not fold under the weight of the defecit and played out the remainder of the game with creditable spirit. The lads were rewarded with a second goal with the last kick of the game.

A defeat to East Craigs but a great effort from the boys nonetheless.

I have been hunting around looking for the club crest on the net, found this during my ( as yet in vain ) efforts.
Looks well worth promoting

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