Monday, April 30, 2007

The roof came off the stand

It would have if there had been one.
What an enthralling encounter this one was between Currie Star and Spartans Black.

Young lads it is true and there is always scope for a scoreline more like a rugby game than football, but i guess as the kids mature and their knowledge and skills increase the scorelines will inevitable stabilise to a more recognisable level. The scoreline in this one belied their relative youth and with that came a tension and an excitement not normally felt by the onlookers.

Currie started the game well and forced many efforts on goal, but it was clear this game would be a tough encounter between two evenly matched teams. A few misshaps in defecnce early in the first half allowed Spartans in for their own share of attacks but it was as half time approached Currie got their reward for a good half's work with a well constructed and equally well executed goal. This was almost immediately cancelled out with a breakaway by Spartans and the equaliser.

Half Time

Currie Star 1
Spartans 1

The Currie coach must have had some words of wisdom for the lads at half time, a couple of personel changes too and the team tore into the second half with even more gusto and purpose than in the first. Currie went on to dominate the game with run upon run up either flank a through the middle. The only thing missing was the telling final pass and shot on goal.
Countless attacks came to nothing and the tension grew accordingly, there was always the possibility of a breakaway goal for Spartans. With time beginning to run out and the tension growing ever greater Currie eventually closed in and forced the ball home to tremendous roar from the spectators - If there was a roof it would have come off.

A truly fantastic game, a privilage to watch, well done to the Currie lads, fantastic. A good performance too from Spartans, i will look forward to the next time these two teams match up to each other.

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