Friday, November 10, 2006


Can't write too much about this one as it was all just too depressing.

I have a bee in my bonnet, i can't be doing with that thing where people just can't accept that the oppossition were somehow better than your team. You know the sort, they will allways say "we were shite" could never bring themselves to just admit that "you know what you lot were pretty good"
Just too hard for them to do.
I hate that crap.

So i am not happy about it, far from it i am gutted but lets face it Hibs were streets ahead, leagues ahead of Hearts at Easter Road on Wednesday night. Even the beers and whisky before the game couldn't cloud the chasm between the teams in front of my eyes.
After a decent show at Celtic Park i was pretty upbeat about the game, but oh my god what a disaster.
I have heard stats like 82% possession to Hibs is that right? My god that is probably a record for 2 teams in the same league playing each other.

Hearts lined up with a what is worryingly, looking like, Malofeev's favoured formation, with 3 centre backs and two wide of them too, just one up front.
Robbie Neilson was left to plough a right back/midfield furrow and Goncalves the same on the left. It just didn't work and after an initial 5 minutes where we looked OK Hibs kicked into gear like a well oiled machine the complete antithesis to Hearts - They all knew where each other was, they all worked for each other and knew what to expect. We on the other hand had no idea what we were about. The number of times a Hearts player would fight for a ball and be left stranded with nobody near him or even interested in the trouble he was in was a disgrace. Every time - there was a pack of hungry Hibees bearing down on them.

The only thing you could label against Hibs was that they did not score 3 or 4, there seemed to be a few balls flying across the goals in the second half, any of which looked as tho it could have crept in. Hearts on the other hand did not have a 'get this' did not have a single shot at goal!! The worst keeper in the history of terrible keepers did not even have a single save to make.

We play what will be a very tough game against Falkirk on the Setanta game next Monday night.
I wish i knew the answer, but i haven't a clue maybe a bit of...

Play the same formation as we did against Celtic 4-3-3
Or at least play 4-4-2
Play Brellier or Aguair ( Aguair was terrible on Wednesday mind you )
Play someone who will sit on top of Latapy
Do not play Zaliukas
Play Football for christ sake play Football

Hibs v Killie final in the diddy cup with Killie taking it 2 - 1

The magnanimity can't go on for ever!

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