Monday, November 06, 2006

String of garlic and a silver bullet

Well i for one am just glad we put in a bit of a show.

It's a measure of how much we have fallen since this time last year, how much our expectations have diminished and sloped back to where they came from, remember...


The only time i see that these days is from those truly sad Hibees who for some reason need to comment on articles about Hearts in the Scotsman. Dripping with sarcasm, these comments are always neanderthal, mostly spelled kurectly mostly? and always always sad. Who are these people what is their purpose and is removal from the gene pool an option. This has been affecting me for a few weeks now, i log on to the Scotsman at lunchtime say, to pick up on the latest nonsense from Count Vladula and the rest of his Eastern European monsters. As an aside i am reading a book just now - The Historian it's a Dracula novel of sorts with a particularly heavy bent towards the history of the legend.
There are very strong links between :-
Dracula & Vlad the Impalor and some great battle with an evil empire ??
In the case of the book it's the evil Ottoman empire ( at least they brought us big boxes to keep your towels in ) but this can easily be replaced with Old Firm, SFA, Weegie Media whichever suits at the time.
Anyroads i have found myself spending 2 minutes skimming the article for a snippet of news then spending the next 20 pouring over the debates as they fly between the good old Jambo readers and their Hibee nemeses. Pathetic really where can i get my gene pool removal registration form. On the other hand, the articles are 99% garbage so why bother, they are nearly always full to bursting with anything that makes the Hearts set up even in the slightest bit unhinged. Which it is, truly unhinged but for christ sake WE KNOW!

Hearts are a victim of media hyper sensitivity.. aw shutup, if anyone in the media ever read this they would probably release a 12 page special in the Daily Rangers about the level of incomprehensible ranting their support has stumbled down to.
Now theres a thing Rangers, eh eh - them and the Hibs goalie are the only thing that are making this season bearable.

No one at Tynecastle has believed for quite a while now. I'll tell you what i do believe tho i believe that Hearts will go to Easter Road on wednesday night and win the game.
Do You ?

Now Saturday's game, on the run up i feared the worst. I just couldn't see where Hearts would find the mental strength to cope with a visit to Parkhead. It is true that it almost all depends on the team that gets picked and i have to say i was both mildly surprised with what transpired, confused as usual but on the whole i was not distraught.
Pressley was out due to a stomach virus, dahn dahn dahn, this was not lost on the radio pundits who continued to speculate on his future at the club after last weeks outburst - the medical staff should investigate Elvis's neck for any tell tale, twin puncture wounds. Mind you maybe thats how Miko keeps getting his game, he has been fully converted to the ranks of the undead. And Chesny lets face it if anyone looks like a vampire who needs a pint of '0' negative it's him.
The back 4 then were Goncalves, Berra, Tall, Neilson this is the back 4 of the future for Hearts. The loss of Pressley was pretty bad but that 4 was the best we could do to make up for it, so good start on the mental team choice stakes.
Some debate then with the formation - was it a 4-3-3 or was it a 4-5-1.
There was Hartley, Aguair, and Zaliukas in the middle with Miko and Chesny our two wide blood suckers making up the front 3 or the middle 5. Velicka as the striker.
This was OK because although the team had the much maligned Miko and Zaliukas it also had Aguair in the middle. Really doesn't matter to me, in a modern team in this day and age it's 5 in midfield when they have the ball and 3 in attack when we do. Not convinced either Miko or Chesny have got what it takes, the bit that really gets to me and both are as much to blame as the other, their final ball has a 5% chance of being the right ball - not good enough.
Velicka 5 goals in 4 games, what can you say, he has become our #1 striker and no questions asked. A Velicka-Panilla partnership may just be something worth waiting for.

Celtic were coming off a 3 - 0 gubbing in Lisbon against Benfica, the team they had beat by the same margin a fortnight earlier. They were not only beaten tho they were truly hounded out of Portugal a very poor performance. So maybe Hearts had a slight edge, not having played midweek and all. Never really felt it would be like that. As it turned out it was quie a bit like that.
Celtic though, in the last three SPL games have gone a goal behind and gone on to win the game, the sign of the championship winning team for sure. No one will catch them in the lang haul but i think it may just get a little more exciting before the shouting starts. A lot down to Rangers really they really do need to show up and start beating celtic too. And if those narrow wins start to turn into narrow draws they may just get pulled back in - so come all .. Hibs, Aberdeen, Killie and everyone else, we all need to take points of Celtic, all of us.
In those games Celtic have not started playing until they go a goal behind, it generally only takes them 20 minutes to turn they game once they do, mind you.
So i was pleased that Hearts squandered a few guilt edged chances before finally opening the scoring in 72 minutes.
As was the way of things in this game, it was very much an 'up for it' Hearts team that dispossessed Celtic in midfield and quickly countered, Velicka picked the ball up, still 40 odd yards out, he was allowed to run all the way to the edge of the box unchallenged ( a good run mind you ) and equally unhindered to dispatch his shot low into the far corner. An excellent goal from Hearts point of view but if i was a Celtic fan i would have been tearing my hair out. Shocking defence.
72 minutes gone and Hearts were 1 up and the title race was back on by a thread and the ignamony of PaddyPower paying out on the title bets in November was held off.
Just before the goal went in i was getting the impression that Hearts were tiring, we had put masses into the game and were pretty much shot. A lot has been said about the tactics of sitting back against Celtic after the goal went in but under the circumstances i am not sure what else we could have done.
The removal of Aguair for Fyassas seems once again mental, just can't see why Brellier was not the correct choice, confused again.
Not sure if it really mattered in the end but it is just one more indication of our self destructive tendancies.
Celtic eqaulised with 4 minutes to go, a corner from Nakamura which Jarosik fought hard to get his head to, just plain beat Tall for strength and aggression.
With 4 minutes of injury time more or less up... another whinge
There has been a lot of debate about the extra extra time that Celtic got to net the winner and Gordon has taken pelters from Celtic fans for his obvious time wasting - people has nobody worked this out yet - every keeper in the world wastes time when the clock is running down and a result is imminent, every keeper everywhere. I think that sometimes the old firm do get more than their fair share of time when it counts but in this case half of the injury time was itself taken up with an injury.
Anyroads a goalmouth scrap, and a shot comes in that Gordon saves and the ball loops into the air. Gordon stretches his arms out to collect the ball but it bounces of his wrists and into the net - an absolute Hibee of a goalkeeping error and the game is lost

Still, Hibs on Wednesday and if we play with the same application and more importantly something like the same team/formation we can beat them and things won't look so bad again.

Prediction - 2 - 2 Hearts win 6 - 4 on penalties


HOOOO On The Jambos


Anonymous said...

Quote"I believe that Hearts will go to Easter Rd on Wed Night and win the game"Unquote Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !!!! Oh no you didn't....

blakdreem said...

We certainly didn't!!
We didn't even turn up!!
Hibs for the diddy cup --


Killie for the diddy cup