Monday, November 20, 2006

Nearly Brilliant

After Currie Stars fantastic result last week there was much optimism for the game this Sunday Morning.
Cold and breezy Scottish weather has decided to miss autumn and go straight to winter, so it was great to see the coffee shop open in the Star's pavillion.

The game was even across the board and very exciting too with the young lads on both sides putting everything into the game and getting lots out of it, it was 3 - 3 with 10 minutes to go.
I overheard the coach saying, see just a few weeks ago this side ( Edinburgh City Tens ) would have steamrolled over us. I couldn't agree more, they have come on a huge amount over the past month or two.

That was the death knell for Currie though, they did get steam rolled in the last ten and lost 5 goals, a real shame for the lads. Still on the up side, the coach was right and a few weeks ago it would have been the whole of the second half that was lost not just the last ten.

So keep the heads up, it was nearly brilliant.

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