Sunday, November 12, 2006

Star goes supernova

It has been a few weeks since there has been a Currie Star boys game and it has been even longer since there has been a victory for them.

Today the lads to our total suprise went supernova on us and against their nearest rivals too Currie Boys Club.
The Star were 6 - 1 up by half time, took their foot off the gas a bit in the second half, lost concentration here and there, but still ran out very worthy of their 7 - 4 scoreline.

Fantastic lads you played brilliantly today.
The fifth goal especially was an absolute beauty in anybodies book - a sweeping move, one touch all the way from defence through midfield and up to the striker who put it away with clinical precision - best goal i have seen all season at any game i have been to.

There were times in the game today where they clicked as a team and really started to look the part i was chuffed to bits to see it. More, beneath that higher plain of football excellence there was a real steal and determination from the lads, they tracked back and the tackles went in when it mattered and Currie Star won the vast majority of 50 - 50 balls.

Hearts could do with picking up a few tips from the young lads today, they might start to look like a team again if they can adopt some of the team work and determination showed by the Currie Star 10 year olds this morning.


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